hobby of collecting sperm man

Usually people have a common hobby with the usual categories, funny, unique. But not with this one hobby, this hobby is fairly beyond human reason.

those who collect it, is a Japanese porn star actress named Uta Kohaku. she asked her male fans, to send their semen. Ihhh ...

Uta Kohaku is currently 20 years old and even requested that the sender must write their name on every bottle where the content is a semen. She says it will use the porn star "collection" is for his latest film project.
Uta Kohaku along with hundreds of bottles containing sperm submissions from fans

And later the identity of the owners of the existing semen dibotol, he could say thank you and also mention their names in a movie called "Semen Collection 2?. The weird thing is the fans do not seem totally disgusted with Uta demand that 'Crazy' is. Around hundreds of bottles shipped to residential addresses Uta.

In fact, the porn star is even feel proud of the courage of the male fans. He instantly upload their pictures while with a vial of sperm. "This fluid from my fans. Incredible. Amazing, "she said.

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