married for 19 years, it was a man's wife

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What nonsense Belgian men's fate. He did not think, if his wife Monica, an Indonesian citizen, born as a man. Though they've been married for 19 years. Jan, as she was called, married Monica in 1993 ago. When the process to marry Monica, Jan had trouble about immigration, because his wife is a citizen of Indonesia.

 "I took him to Belgium was not easy," she said, as quoted from the Telegraph, Monday, November 26, 2012. The court in Belgium alone, he said, has previously been doubting the authenticity of birth certificates and other identity papers. But finally, the court accepted Monica, and gave permission to marry in January According to Jan, Monica did not have the physical characteristics of a man possessed.

"I think she is an attractive woman. He does not have the characteristics of a man," said January Then how they are when having sex as husband and wife? According to Jan, there is nothing strange with Monica during intercourse. "I never see anything. Me and he had decided not to have children. Because I myself have had two children from my previous wife," he said.

In fact, during their married life, Monica is really like a woman in general. That is menstruating and wearing a bandage. However, apparently it was a hoax. "He is hiding the truth," said Jan who is now 64 years old. Over the years, says Jan, Monica is now 48 years old was as "big brother" to both his son. And the first child is also a number of occasions to see his stepmother was in a night club.

"He started very flashy outfit, with a mini skirt or a boss super tight, so the stomach looks," he said. Until the end, rumors about the "authenticity" Monica surfaced. January found the message of loving others in the computer, which led to her involvement in violence and dealing with the police.

"A friend told me that he had heard Monica is actually a man who turns into a woman. I could not believe it. Fact turned out to be my first also heard the same rumor," he said. "I pushed him against the wall and said: now I know the truth that you're a man., And he admitted that he was born as a man and as a woman's genital surgery.

He is now a woman, and he felt no need to tell me about his past as a man. My world came crashing down that night. It's a crushing blow for me. And the police came, "he said. January is now undergoing psychiatric treatment after a problem. Process of law to annul his marriage is already running.

"The man has deliberately deceived for years. He fraudsters., And he also falsified documents used here to obtain a residence permit. Boys, who for many years lived with also be destroyed immediately," said Liliane Verjauw, lawyers January

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