women with the biggest hips

Mikel Ruffinelli of Los Angeles Academy record World Record for the world's biggest hip. The woman weighs 190.5 kg has a hip circumference of 8 feet, or the equivalent of 243.84 cm.

Ruffinelli a 39-year-old said in the Daily Mail she did not intend to go on a diet to reduce his weight. Mother of four children, said he was satisfied with the shape of her body.

Her husband, Reggie Brooks, echoed his wife. "He has a sweet disposition about him that really attracted me to him," Brooks said at Barcroft TV. "I want to tell people all the time, 'I have a license to work with heavy equipment.'"

However, wide hips Ruffinelli admitted making chores a little difficult. He had to drive a truck to go and use a previously reinforced seat in the house. He also struggled to get past the entrance to the house and the door to the bed.

Weight Ruffinelli started climbing at the age of 22 years, after her first child was born. He used to consume about 3,000 calories per day.

"In the past, I'm worried about my hips," said Ruffinelli. "When it got older, I learned to love my body and now I'm not afraid to flaunt it."

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